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Our Work

Food Aid

We deliver over 1000 food parcels to needy families in Lebanon and Jordan ever year.

In Lebanon, 95% of Palestinian refugees from Syria are food insecure.

Food insecurity remains high across Palestinian refugee camps. Many families either spend more than half of their income on food or are forced to reduce the variety and nutritional value of their diet to cope with the high costs of food items.

We recognise that there is an ever increasing need to meet the demand of refugees who cannot meet their basic dietary needs. Our Food Aid projects aim to provide healthy and nutritious food to children and their families across Lebanon and Jordan.

What does a food parcel contain?

Our food parcels can provide a family of four with enough food to last one month.

UK Care for Children’s food parcels are packed with staple food items including:

  • Flour
  • Rice
  • Salt
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Hummus
  • Sugar
  • Beans
  • Milk
  • Halva
  • Mortadella
  • Sunflower oil
  • Pasta and more!

How you can make a difference


Bread Distribution
Provide a family-sized loaf


Food Parcel
Provide a family with a basic food parcel

Need to Calculate Zakat? Use our handy calculator to easily and accurately calculate your Zakat.

A child sponsored by UK Care for Children

Child Sponsorship

We support over 2,000 children through our Child Sponsorship Programme across Lebanon and Jordan’s refugee camps every year.

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Empowering Poor Farmers

From Refugee to a Successful Farmer

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UKC4C staff working with Palestinian refugee children in Lebanon as part of our Education Aid programs

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The Light a Student’s Path Project is dedicated to supporting needy and impoverished students by providing financial aid for their…

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